Packing Supply

Why Stand Up Pouches Make a Perfect Packing Solution for These Food Items

Made using superior-quality, recyclable packaging material, stand up pouches feature a visually appealing design with a flat bottom that facilitates stable storage on retail shelves. They also include consumer-friendly features like a resealable zip closure, a tear notch, a euro slot, hanging holes, degassing valves, aluminium foils and a transparent oval window; making them an excellent solution for preserving and promoting a number of food products.

1. Dry Foods, Poultry and Dairy

Seasonings, herbs and spices add taste and aroma to every dish but in order for spices to work their magic, they need to be fresh. Standup bags with a resealable tape lock the freshness and flavor inside the package with heavy duty zip locks and protective layers that prevent moisture, oxygen, dust, and UV rays from sneaking in.

Snacks make family times memorable and so, they are an easy way to win the hearts of your customers. Using stand up pouches will not only help your products stand out on the shelf but also keep your tasty treats from getting stale so they reach your customers fresh, healthy and flavourful!

Today’s health-conscious consumer demands exceptional quality and great taste. Available in different colours and sizes, stand up pouches come with multiple layers of protective packaging material to draw attention and deliver quality products that earn you loyalty points and build brand awareness.

These are the most popular foods on the market and so the competition is fierce. Stand up pouches with digital print ensure that your brand stands out with exceptional quality and freshness that stays intact, giving you a competitive edge.

2. Organic Foods and Supplements

Unlike bottles and jars, top notch product packaging protects your product from external elements that can adversely impact its safety. Stand up pouches retain product efficacy while the block bottom makes it easy for your potential consumers to spot them.

Effectively market your protein powder with a stand up pouch that offers ample opportunity to inform and engage your customer while making sure that the contents stay safe from punctures, odours and air.

Vegan and gluten-free foods can spoil if the packaging is not proper. Vacuum sealed stand up pouches with multiple layers of metallic foil ensure that contaminants stay out and freshness stays intact.

3. Pet Foods
Whether a pet is furry, finned, or feathered, it is family and your customers want to give them nothing but the best. Using stand up pouches for packaging pet supplies will ensure that the taste and texture of your pet food stays intact while making your package looks great with custom printing and recyclable packaging material that is FDA approved.

4. Tea and Coffee
Whether it is whole beans, ground coffee, loose tea leaves or homeopathic tea, nothing damages the quality of your product more than poor quality packaging does. Stand up tea and coffee pouches enable you to distinguish your brand from the rest with a captivating design on the exterior and allow you to deliver the same great taste to the last drop with protective layers on the interior.

Need premium-quality stand up pouches that make your brand stand out from the rest? Check out our product range for high-quality flexible packaging solutions that look great and fit your budget.