Packing Supply

7 Reasons to Pick Stand-Up Pouches Over metal Cans

The good old metal cans are slowly becoming obsolete as they are losing the war against stand up pouches. Metal cans are gradually losing their hold in the consumer market and it is quite evident in the sales graph of metal cans: it’s either static or declining. Consumers are rejecting the metal cans to make way for flexible packaging to take over.

Here are the 7 reasons why flexible packaging is fast becoming a popular packaging option:

1. Reduces Waste

When it comes to packaging, the pouch stands out significantly in the area of waste reduction. A recent study where cans were compared to pouches concluded that there was an 85% reduction of waste after switching from the can to the pouch. The transition from a can to a pouch means less fuel required to manufacture and less space required to store. So, more savings!

2. Uses Less Space

In manufacturing units and warehouse, storage space is a persistent issue, more so with metal cans. Consumers today face the same space problem. Stand up pouches require less space for storage, hence it automatically becomes a boon for manufacturers as well as the consumers. Stand up pouches being flexible and lightweight allows more of the packaged product to be stored.

3. More Environmentally Friendly

Yes, the metal can is recyclable, but that doesn’t mean that they can be considered as the green way to go. Pouches generate significantly less waste and that’s the reason why they are so much better for the environment than metal cans.

4. Fewer Health Risks

Presence of the chemical BPA (Bisphenol A) in metal cans has been linked to a variety of negative effects on health. Also, the thin layer that lines the metal cans can be compromised, especially with acidic food, which may cause leakage of the metal into the food. This contamination of food can cause gastrointestinal and neurological issues. Because of the health issues, many companies are moving away from BPA lined cans and moving closer to stand-up pouches. The trend of aseptic packaging in stand-up pouches sterilize the package and the food separately then combines and seals them in a sterile environment. This trend is gaining popularity and could lead in the coming years.

5. Easy to Open and Close

The metal cans are notoriously difficult to open, whereas stand-up pouches have features such as zip locks, spouts, etc., which make them convenient to open and close.

6. Lightweight and Eco-friendly

The metal cans are the heaviest format of packaging and thus it leaves behind a lot of carbon footprints. On the other hand, stand-up pouches are lightweight, easy to carry, convenient, and reusable. Thus, it is an eco-friendly alternative to metal cans.

7. Increases Shelf-life

It is a common misconception that metal cans offer a longer shelf life than stand-up pouches. It is not true. Typically, the food in a can is consumable for 2 to 5 years, after which, the food might not spoil but it is more likely to get contaminated by the transfer of metal from the can into the food. On the other hand, “Ready to Eat” pouches are known to have the longest tested shelf life, which is of 8 to 10 years.

Now that it is clear why stand-up pouches are better compared to metal cans, it makes sense to ditch the metal cans and switch over to a more viable solution that flexible packaging offers.

If you need help in transitioning to stand-up pouches, check out the flexible packaging and stand-up pouches available at Packing Supply now!